Limit-Oriented Performance Indicators for Energy Management Systems

Project greoKEMS


Systematizing performance indicator systems used to assess and boost energy efficiency is important since comparable comprehensive performance indicator systems do not exist yet. Using a physical benchmark to assess existing systems and processes opens opportunities to boost the energy efficiency of established systems and processes and to generate research approaches for new effective methods.

The objective of the greoKEMS project is to establish a standard for industrial process efficiency assessment that factors in physical or legal limits. The methodology and tools employed will be tested under real conditions and the findings will enter into the drafting of the standard. The methodology, including the model process, will subsequently be set down in a VDI Guideline.

Since the extensively treated systematic has not included limit-oriented performance indicators, this will produce a new universal performance indicator system that provides quantifiable and comparable performance indicators for energy management.

In keeping with ISO 50001 Energy Management, the method of limit-oriented performance indicators establishes energy performance indicators (EnPI) that are representative for the implementation of your energy policies. When defining EnPIs, it is always essential to define system boundaries and operating conditions to avoid any misrepresentation. The goal is to be able to assess future changes expediently with an eye toward energy consumption and uses and to specify a comparison period (energy baseline EnB, see ISO 50001: Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance for use, 2012.)


Project period:

  • 01.09.2018 - 31.05.2021