Management Game Seminars

Learning about and Experiencing Digitalization in Games

© Dirk Mahler

Are the successes your efficiency actions short-lived or limited?

A management game simulating a business teaches seminar attendees about the capabilities of efficient business organization. Action-driven training introduces attendees to complex and multifaceted issues in businesses easily while playing.


ER-WIN® Management Game: Learning to Act Energy Efficiently by Gaming

The ER-WIN® management game raises awareness of the issue of energy efficiency among executives and staff throughout all units, motivating them to initiate improvements in their own business. It encourages individual ideas and approaches to cutting energy consumption.

The management game’s benefits are obvious: Briefly explained theory and methodology begs to be applied, something easily done in the interactive game. Have fun practicing improvement, trying out ideas and learning by gaming without risking a real production stoppage!


DieTer Management Game: Assembly Assistance

The hands-on management game DieTer raises players’ awareness of the challenges of digital transformation and the requisite concomitant continuous process improvement in businesses. The management game uses a transferrable model corporation to reproduce a production assembly system, players staffing individual units (stations) and performing the respective jobs. Afterward, operations are reviewed and analyzed and recommended improvements are discussed. Players can subsequently implement digitalization actions and experience their impact in the following round of the game, put simply, experience digital transformation.

Target groups are executives and decision-makers of small and medium-sized businesses, who are in responsible for actively meeting the challenges of digital transformation in their organization.

© Fraunhofer IFF
In the key role of an energy manager in the model business.