Portable Multi-Sensor Platform

Data Are the New Oil

They fuel digitalization and are essential to improving existing systems or processes. Artificial intelligence methods are now being used to analyze large quantities of data. This makes it possible to identify relationships and correlations, which simply remain hidden to human capabilities. Data can be processed more efficiently and more precisely and information can be evaluated and linked. Our approach of maximizing these new methods’ profitability entails scanning the environment in various dimensions with various sensor systems. The capabilities of AI data analysis can only be maximized and complex causal relationships can only be revealed once all independent variables have been interrelated.

Our mobile multi-sensor platform enables us to provide you the following value added:

  • automated, multi-sensor scanning of workspace conditions,
  • mapping of your business’s digital infrastructures,
  • gaining knowledge about error causes in operations by analyzing correlations of sensor data, and
  • supporting logistics by rating capability to employ automated guided vehicle systems in your business

We use COMSOL Multiphysics® software that processes and analyzes our acoustic camera’s scans fully and in-depth and rounds off the multi-sensor platform (experimentation vs. numerical modeling). Multiphysics models can only be developed with a sound software that makes it possible to compare real and expected readings properly and to infer sound information about correlations and recommended actions.

© Fraunhofer IFF, Boris Schmidgal
Our engineers adjusting the portable multi-sensor platform.